For obvious reasons, some of the most frequently-used words so far have been "wang", "bakes", "good", "karma", "singapore" and "commentarysingapore". However, thanks to the recent obsession with Tammy just in the past week or so, the top keywords now include "sex", "video", "nanyang", "tammy", "student", "poly" and "polytechnic".
- All Keywords Unique Visitors
1492 6.44% singapore
507 2.19% sex
456 1.97% wang
363 1.57% video
275 1.19% the
272 1.17% nanyang
249 1.08% and
188 0.81% tan
187 0.81% for
187 0.81% karma
185 0.80% good
184 0.79% tammy
170 0.73% student
165 0.71% blog
139 0.60% poly
131 0.57% why
131 0.57% commentarysingapore
127 0.55% melvyn
126 0.54% van
123 0.53% bakes
118 0.51% polytechnic
109 0.47% nguyen

to use a rather extreme form of disguise.
i wonder if you've noticed, that all the tracking, blogrolling, etc on your blog is causing it to load extremely sloooowly...
Hey, I need some techie help here. I've been told that the blog loads slowly, but I'm not sure why ...
is it my frequent use of photos? Or the long blogroll? Or the links in my "About Me" section? Or do I have too many posts on the main page? Or is it the Extreme Tracker? Or the Recent Comments feature?
Or is it the cumulative effect of all of the above?
Yea man. Can someone teach Mr Wang and bake good karma for him/herself? ;)
why don't Mr Wang try to solve the problem by elimination method...take turns suspending the functions to see its effect.
The individual post pages do not have such long load times.
Hi all
I've done some tweaking ... tell me if the blog loads faster now?
Yes much better now. It's loading very quickly.
Because almost the entire blogosphere is talking about it? I really doubt that she will get so much publicity or attention if people refrained from blogging about it or divulging key information like: "sex", "video", "nanyang", "tammy", "student", "poly" and "polytechnic".
Just a side note: I wonder how the face of the perpertrator looks like. =)
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